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Corns are thickened and hardened areas of skin that develop as a response to moderate repeated friction and pressure to the skin. It is the body’s protective reaction to protect the underlying skin.
Corns are inverted cone shaped calluses that penetrate the deeper layers of skin as a result of excessive friction and pressure.
Corns generally look like circular bumps of hardened skin. The visible part of the corn usually looks round, but its root is hard, tapering and directed inward. Corns are relatively small in the beginning but gradually increase in size and eventually become painful since pressure on them pushes their root deeper into the skin.
Corns most commonly occur on bony areas that lack cushioning like the tops or sides of the toes or on the side of a bunion but can also appear on the soles of feet. Due to their sensitivity to touch and the placement on the foot they can cause great discomfort from pressure when walking.
Soft corns develop on moist skin usually between adjacent toes. The warm and moist area keeps them moist and soft. Corn between toes develop as a response to friction from example walking in tight, pointed-toe shoes causing the skin on two adjacent toes to rub together.
Hard corns develop on dry, flat skin areas. They usually form on bony areas such as on top of toes that have been tightly compressed in shoes which causes bone pressure against the skin. Hard corns (corns on toes) tend to be small, hard, round with a defined area and can look like raised bumps of hardened skin.
Seed corns are small, hard, and circular defined skin spots that typically form on the soles of the feet and are associated with areas of dry skin. Seed corn on foot is caused by excess pressure and friction.
Sometimes seed corns (corn on bottom of the foot) can be difficult to tell apart from verruca (warts) on the soles of the feet. However, they are very different in origin since warts, unlike corns, are developed from a virus infection. To differentiate between corn vs wart, you can see that plantar warts usually have small brown or black dots inside them and disrupt the natural lines on the bottom of the feet which corn does not.
There are several corn treatment methods for foot corn removal, and some are better than others.
Here are some ways of how to get rid of corns on feet.
To treat corns effectively you could use a corn plaster containing salicylic acid, for example Salvequick’s Corn Plaster. In the center of Salvequick’s Corn Plaster there is an area containing salicylic acid which helps to remove foot corn and calluses. In addition, the plaster helps to reduce pressure or friction on the corn and thus help to relieve pain immediately (due to the cushioned ring around the center of the plaster). Be careful when using products containing salicylic acid and follow the instructions, since it can harm surrounding healthy skin.
Corns usually form caused by repeated use of badly fitting or tight shoes, or heels. For example, if your shoe repeatedly rubs against and puts pressure on an area on your foot then a corn may form to protect the skin from the friction.
To reduce pain, you can use nonmedicated corn protectors such as corn cushion pads, toe sleeves or toe separators. For example, you can use Salvequick’s:
Do not use Salvequick’s Corn Plaster if you are diabetic or hypersensitive to salicylic acid or suffer from poor blood circulation. Pregnant women and children: only use with doctor approval. Skin damage will occur if healthy skin come in contact with salicylic acid. Protective plaster contains 0,4 g/g (40%) salicylic acid. Dispose the plaster inmediately and carefully after usage, without any contact with healthy skin, to prevent the spreading of infections.
To prevent corn formation, you need to minimize rubbing and pressure to the skin.
For example, you can use Salvequick’s: