
Infected wounds: symptoms and treatment

There is always a risk that a wound could get infected. It is normal that the skin around the wound becomes a little warm and red in the beginning, but it is important to check that the wound does not get infected. An infection is due to bacteria entering the wound and as a result the wound healing is slowed down and affected negatively, for example scars from infected wounds usually become more visible.

How to tell if a wound is healing or infected

Some wound infection symptoms are that the skin around the wound becomes bright red, swollen and warm or if the wound begins to produce fluid or ache more than before. If you notice signs of an infection, it’s important to clean the wound and the surrounding area with a disinfectant  wound cleanser or saline solution a few times a day and let dry. Preferably use an antiseptic dressing, containing iodine, medical honey or PHMB, or just a sterile wound dressing, for example Salvequick’s Maxi Cover dressing.

To reduce the risk of a wound infection you can use a plaster with an antibacterial agent like Salvequick’s Antibact Cover (on a healthy wound). Antibact Cover is a completely waterproof, ultra-thin quick bandage that allows the skin to breathe. The wound pad contains an antibacterial substance that reduces the risk of infection. In addition, this plaster speeds up the healing process and reduces the risk of scarring.


Be careful!

Signs of wound infection should be taken seriously. In most cases it is sufficient to disinfect the wound and to use an antiseptic dressing, but you should seek medical attention if the symptoms do not disappear or if you develop additional symptoms, such as a fever. You should also contact your healthcare center if the infected wound is located close to a joint since then antibiotic treatment may be necessary. If a surgical wound gets infected, you should always seek medical advice.

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